About us

DUNS SWEDEN was founded 2007 in Göteborg, Sweden and is now represented in 37 countries around the world.
MORE THAN A FLING is a sub brand to DUNS Sweden and started 2014.
Only 100% GOTS Certified ORGANIC Cotton and Production in India since day one.

We are always completely transparent concerning our production and working conditions. We are very proud to show you the wonderful production units in India and it is a real pleasure to visit the staff! DUNS Sweden makes all garments in facilities certified by GOTS and controlled by Control Union in India and Turkey. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us! We would love to tell you everything! (Please take the DUNS Sweden production tour)
DUNS Sweden uses non-toxic, continuously controlled, colors. The dyeing process is executed in closed systems. 
The residual is controlled by very strict rules set by the Indian government.
DUNS Sweden
- first collection in 2007
- only uses 100% GOTS certified organic cotton
- only in 100% GOTS certified production facilities
- non toxic colors
- closed dyeing processes
- unisex design
- all prints are original designs made from scratch at the head office in Göteborg
- production in India and Turkey
- transport mostly by boat
- over-produced goods donated to a number of organizations for the needy
- produces clothes in a sustainable perspective

To learn more about DUNS Sweden please visit www.dunssweden.se
